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The impact of high-speed motor vehicle crashes

by | Aug 30, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

If you become involved in a high-speed traffic crash, you could face a number of serious consequences. The accident could leave you with a devastating injury, and it could also introduce various financial hardships into your life, whether you cannot afford medical care or you struggle with missing work. In addition, high-speed accidents have an especially high chance of claiming lives.

Sadly, too many drivers continue to ignore speed limits and drive recklessly. Data shows that these crashes remain far too common and continue to shatter many lives each year.

Risks associated with high-speed accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration covers speeding and some of the reasons why reckless drivers go too fast on the road. Many people recognize that running late for work or an important meeting often leads to speeding, but there are other risk factors to pay attention to as well. For example, some drivers speed because they struggle with road rage, disregard safety or have an inaccurate sense of anonymity behind the wheel.

Some drivers have a tendency to go too fast or try to show off, and racing also results in many accidents.

The impact of high-speed accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that 29% of all traffic crash deaths during 2020 involved speeding, and these accidents claimed more than 11,200 lives. Aside from deaths, these accidents cause many injuries. If you become hurt in a high-speed collision, you have an especially high chance of suffering a more serious injury due to the force of the crash, and protective equipment does not work as well when accidents involve high speeds.

If a speeding driver caused you to become hurt, they should face consequences for their actions.